Tuesday, May 17, 2011

bad things happen in threes....

right? so i'm just waiting for the third bad thing to happen to me.

first my dad hits someone and is arrested, then i find out my car was side-swiped. ruled out that it was my dad, but now i have NO idea who it was. like, at all. i filed a police report, so that's a start...but i highly doubt anything will come from it.

i finally finished my classes, found out i got a D in one of them...i KNOW that's wrong, so hopefully i can get it changed, but who knows. summer classes start again in a couple of weeks...right after i move, then doc will be home right after that :) i know i just need to keep moving forward, but i just feel like things could get worse at any point. it was nice being able to tell doc everything, but i just, i don't know, i want a hug from him.

just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming.


  1. Sorry to hear about all the horrible things going on right now for you. I know it's tough, but things definitely will get better. You can't have big ups, without having big downs.

    P.S. I love the Finding Nemo reference....just keep swimming, just keep swimming,just keep swimming, swimming, swimming....lol. Love it. =>

  2. thanks for the kind words! i'm trying to keep my head up, just had a down day...it's getting better. and yesss, i love finding nemo, and of course, i thought that line was very fitting.
